My bloodline.
Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family. I already made a couple family pages for my tumblr blogsite, so I decided to make an official website page for my relations! So here you go:

My only child and son.
Kayden was born May 11th, 2012 (and yes, I'm so proud that his sign is a Taurus!) and is my only son. His biological father is Randy Georegescu (Cool). (Long story short, Randy's real biological father's last name is Georgescu but after his dad and real mother seperated, his biological mother remarried a guy who adopted Randy and gave him his last name 'Cool', so Cool is just an adopted name and I waned Kayden to have his birthright name...) Kayden is just a beautiful, prodigy child. He has always excelled and surpassed the appropriate limitations when it came down to what normal kids should be doing..Kayden has always been so intelligent so he was always ahead of most kids his age and would be doing things that normal kids his age wouldn't learn for another year or two. He is a complete sweetheart; (although a little spoiled lol). He is perfect to me and is my entire world and best thing that's ever happened to me! Early on, Kayden had developed such an amazing personality; he is very smart, creative, energetic, fun-loving and an overall happy little boy. He has such good manners for a child his age and has always been more of a momma's boy. Most people describe him being the all american boy.

My biological father.
Burle is my biological father and anyone that knows me knows I'm a daddy's girl. He was born 05.13.55. and his horoscope sign is a Taurus, which describes him perfectly if you're into astrology and read that kind of stuff...Burle is caring, kind, a bit short-tempered at times depending on the matter and very stubborn...but he's always been independant and always busy doing something productive or helpful. He is my hero, I really do look up to him and I believe he is the perfect example of what a man and father should be. Even after him and my mother divorced, he still was actively in my life and I honestly don't know where I would be without him. He has helped me so much in life and I really couldn't have asked for a better dad than him. Even though he only had a GED and he even had a record, he managed to get a great job with PPL (the electric company which he has been with since I was about two or three years old) and he worked his way up to being a linesman for the past few years until he just recently retired. He seemed to be a workaholic and is constantly keeping busy or doing something (I guess I know where I get it from then..). He had lost his biological mother (my paternal grandmother) when he was just a young boy but had a close relationship with his grandfather who taught him how to work on cars which my dad is great at. I never had to go to a mechanic because my dad could always fix and problems I would have with my cars...and not always just cars but other things too. He was great with fixing things or when it came down to being productive. When he left my mom and got a divorce, he remarried for a few years but eventually they also seperated and he finally has been seeing his girlfriend he's had for the past few years and they seem to make a good couple. My dad is always busy and I wish we could spend a lot more time together but I'm hoping since he's retired now that we will hang out a lot more because I don't think he realize how much I love him and look up to him. He's the best dad ever! ;)

My biological mother.
Wendy Fenstermacher, born late Ocotober making her sign a Scorpio. She is my biological mother and has always been the parent I ended up living with. She is a good hearted, caring woman who has always put her family first and since a young age has been independant and is always there for her children. She worries a lot and has had her share of problems but she is a very strong woman. She is a great mother and grandmother, even though me and her have our fights and don't get along most of the time, I do love her very much and appreciate all the things she has done for me and my son. She is usually cheerful but can be very bi-polar at times. She has had her own past problems in life but still stays so strong through all of it no matter what.

My biological half-sister.
Abby is my biological half-sister. We have different fathers. She always has been preppy and sassy and the Italian from her father's side definitely shows! Lol. She is a true girly girl. She loves hanging out with her friends and has always been in the popular crowd. She also loves partying and having a good time. She loves shopping and is way closer to our mother than she is her father (she barely sees her dad due to his lack of effort). She is also an amazing auntie to Kayden! Although our age difference kept us from being very close, we still love each other and still have that sister bond.

My maternal grandmother.
Clara was my mother's mom and my biological grandmother. Her horoscope sign is a Gemini. She had six children; Yvonne, Melony, Sandra, Robin (who passed away as an infant yet), Wendy and Joe Jr. So you can assume she has ALOT of grandchildren. She practically raised me when I was very little and my mom and dad would go to work. She lived with us, on and off, for many years. Me and my nana had a very close bond and relationship. She was like a second mother to me in a way and I was one of her favorite grandchildren. We both loved each other very much and she always looked out and wanted the best for me. We would always spend time together when I was growing up and even when I was an adult or if she moved out I would constantly visit her at least a few times a week. She has a huge family that all loved her very much. Sadly, she passed away two years ago and is greatly missed by all of us <|3 It's really not the same without her anymore...

My paternal grandparents.
Carrie and Loren are my dad's parents and are my biological paternal grandparents. Carrie was taken too soon (when my dad and his siblings were very young) and I never got to meet her but heard what a wonderful, beautiful woman she was. Her and my grandfather, Loren had five children together; Lonnie, Lula, Loren Jr. (Bud), Burle and Donnie. My grandfather remarried and with his new wife, Shirley, had a son together, my uncle Mark and my dad's half brother. I loved him and his new wife and didn't really find out until I was older about my real grandmother, so I always thought Shirley was until my dad's family had told me. Even so, both Loren and Shirley passed away a few years ago and I miss them dearly..
More coming soon!