Layout by ZeBiii
This section is the multimedia section which will provide anything related to galleries, images, media and other graphics and content related to the multimedia world but all media will still be related to or connected with (ME!) Ashlee Taylor, websites, blog stuff and anything else that would affiliate with me and this website. Most images that will be distributed on this website will be listed below in the content section and all galleries related to me, Ashlee, will most likely be my property and thus you are not allowed to steal, use as your own or anything like that without asking my persmission first. As for all the other content or images provided, if they are not mine I will definitely state that and if there is an owner or name they belong too, I will give their rightful credit and link them to it if possible. Or I will simply just put the source in where I had gotten them. As always, each section has different pages and each page is dedicated to different categories in which the page links are located to the left of this description. Enjoy!


This section is dedicated to the MultiMedia I will be distributing to this website. As said above, I will feature different photos/images, galleries, graphics, etc. that will be directly or somewhat related to me, Ashlee, or this website in some way. Most of the images and content are most likely my property unless said otherwise so you may not steal them, use them as your own or anything else that would be against copyright or considered stealing unless you ask my persmission first. If the media listed is not my own, I will definitely link the source in where I found it or will list it's rightful owner if it provides one. The section's pages are listed above but all content/media will be listed here in the content section. Enjoy! ;)